Carl-Fredrik Jaensson
Senior Advisor, Sweden, Stockholm
Carl-Fredrik Jaensson has 30 years of experience in the public communication fields. For more than 20 years (1998-2020), he worked as a co-owner, partner and senior consultant at Prime Weber Shandwick, the world's most award-winning public relations firm in the 2010s.
Carl-Fredrik’s assignments include corporate story-telling, message training, strategic and creative workshops, crisis management, investor relations, media relations and senior copywriting. His record of clients include Riksbanken, Alecta, Nasdaq, Intrum, Card Payment Sweden, Yabie, Nordea Markets, Vårdföretagarna, Myndigheten för Yrkeshögskolan, TRR Trygghetsrådet and Svensk Mjölk (incl. the textbook-referenced Swedish Caffè Latte campaign from the beginning of 2000s).
2021-2023 he was a sponsor of the Swedish spac investment company APAC, where he also acted as Head of Communications.
Carl-Fredrik writes occasionally for Tidningen Näringslivet and Svenska Dagbladet’s editorial page. He co-authored Stora PR-boken (PK förlag 2004).